Ladies of the Lake


Rest in Peace, T

We are very sad to announce that our dear friend and fellow Lady of the Lake, Terry Knighten, has passed away. We will never forget her, and thank her for coming on this 23-year journey with us. Our condolences to her other friends and family. T, you were one of a kind.



The future of the website

Since Sir Gregory has passed on, and now T has gone and there is no longer a subject of this site, nor is there a Ladies of the Lake, I have made the decision to sunset the project. It's been a great 23 years and I thank all the fans and friends I've made along the way. Your support and contributions have meant everything and without you, we really wouldn't have been able to exist.


I'll take any requests for information, articles, or photos if needed at my email address at eileen craddock at gmail. I'll do my best to find what you're looking for.


Kind regards,
