Greg (Salt) Lake Adventures

[In January 1974] Lake was arrested by Salt Lake City police officers. "We got [to the hotel] late that night," recalls Lake, "and didn't play until the next day. The pool looked so inviting but we didn't have any swimming stuff with us. We got permission from the guy at the desk and went in [naked]. The next thing we knew there were policemen. And dogs."

A woman on the 11th floor had seen the prime specimens of manhood frolicking in the pool far below and had called the cops. The errant bassist was fined $75 for "disorderly conduct" and wasted a couple of hours in the local jail.

~ from "Emerson, Lake & Palmer - The Show That Never Ends, A Musical Biography," by George Forrester, Martyn Hanson, and Frank Askew (Helter Skelter Publishing).

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