Photo Gallery Home Page and Credits

Our Photo Galleries

Contributors' Hall of Fame


Welcome to our Photo Gallery pages! We're proud of our extensive collection of rare photos, posters, ads, reviews, and memorabilia. Please browse all of our galleries at the links to your left, from "Early Days" and below. To make it easier for all internet connections to load our pages quickly, we are using thumbnails. Click the thumbnail of your choice to view the full-sized version of each photo.

Submit an Item

We welcome all submissions to our site, although there is no guarantee that we will use a particular submission. Please include as much information as possible and click the button below to contact us.


Our sincere thanks to all who have contributed photos, stories, advice, interviews, links, and other items to this site. We couldn't have done it without you! In alphabetical order:

Adrian Adriana Alannah Alf Amy Andy Angie
Anthony Bernd Bill Blane Brian Bruce Bryce
Carl Carol Catherine Chris Craig Craig F. Dan
David Dennis Diane Donna Doug Doug B. Ed
Even Fran Francesco Frank Gaétan Gary Greg
Gudrun Hank Harry Iasmin Jacqueline Jamie Janusz
Jean-Bernard Jeff Jeralyn Joe John A. John B. John C.
Jørgen Judy Ken Kort Laine Lasse Leen
Lee Linda Liz Louis Marc Marcos Margit
Mario Mark Mark & Sue Marky D. Mary Ann Max Mick
Mike Neil Pam Paul Phil Phil R. Peter
Ron Rosey Sandi Sandra Sara Stephen Steve & Theresa
Steve B. Steven P. Sue Sylvie Tim Toby Tom K.
Tom S. Tony Uwe Wayne

...and special thanks to those wicked, wild-eyed women, my partners in crime, Kate and Terry.

Special Features

Naughty Greg

Naughty Greg has a run-in with the police - click the button below for more of this saga:

(Article will open in a new window)

The ELP "Family Tree" - a historical chart of personnel and bands. (Very large image alert)

Click to enlarge

©2006 Ladies of the Lake

Ladies of the Lake

Thanks, Donna & Linda!

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"Father Christmas" single - for more singles & picture sleeves, see our Archives page.

Christmas Single

Greg flies to Israel for the "Father Christmas" video shoot:

Click to read

Greg Lake takes off on his solo career

Greg fronts his solo band - thanks, Tom!

Greg flies solo - thanks, Tom!

That million-dollar smile

Say 'Cheese'!